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Why I chose Chime Banking

It has been five years since I started my blog, The Bluegrass Mom. In that time I have had two children, stopped teaching and made blogging a career. It has been a wild ride and one that I do not take for granted. I am so thankful I can stay home AND generate an income.

But in all of that time I have not created as separate banking system for my business.

Unitl now.

I figured using our personal joint account was easy. But each year, it became increasingly difficult to figure out how much money I made with my freelance job because it was all mixed in with all of our money.

I recently discovered Chime a mobile banking app that makes banking and saving easy. Easy enough that now I feel comfortable opening my own business account! Yes, Chime is an online-only bank but it is there for me, helping me keep my money and keep banking easy and convenient.

There are no hidden fees. No minimum balance and no monthly service fees. There is a fee-free overdraft program also, helping me keep my money.

I also love how Chime has made saving easy! I absolutely love the round up savings program. Save change on every purchase. How easy is that?! I can also save a set portion of money every time I get paid.

With the flexibility of the mobile app I can save easily and pay all my bills.

Exactly what I need as a mother and a small business owner.

To learn more about Chime and why I love it go HERE.

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