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Things I didn't know I would need for Baby

This post is sponsored by Babbleboxx, but like always, all thoughts and opinions are my own.

I remember after the birth of my first son how shocked I was that after being in he hospital for two days I was able to just leave, with this baby and no real idea of what the heck I was in for. I had heard how people couldn't wait to get out of the hospital after having their child but I was quite the opposite. I was truly scared to take this baby home and do things alone. I liked having my nurses there to help me recover and my lactation consultant to help me feed my baby.

But there I stood with a baby in one arm about to get in a car and drive away from all that support.

It was quite scary!

As soon as I got home I quickly realized I did not have specific things to make this transition easier! Little things that I did not know I needed, I quickly realized was a must have.

Thanks to the new Babbleboxx Pink and Blue Edition they have gathered all the things you wouldn't expect you and baby would need but will those first few months.

Self Care

1. Vichy

Vichy is a vitamin C serum that you may not think you need but after months of sleepless nights your skin will need a bit of TLC. Vichy's vitamin C serum makes my skin feel so soft and smooth and brightens up my skin with just a use. I love this product and its instant results so much! I was terrible at taking care of my self with my first child, but with our new baby I am making more time to do a few little things for myself and adding Vichy into my daily quick get-ready routine is one of those things.

You can find yours HERE

and use code BABBLEBOXX for 20% off and free shipping until 9/30/2018

2. Playtex Nursing Bra and Maternity Panty

Playtex not only has nursing bras but also a sports version that are both comfortable and practical. my favorite part of the bra is that is has adjustable straps and extra support that is removable because our breast will change drastically those first few months and there is nothing more needed than a bra that will change with you.

Playtex also has maternity underwear which were a lifesaver after my C section. They are comfortable and fit comfortably above my incision mark, where my other underwear would sit and rub.

You can find yours HERE

3. Bamboobies Reusable Nursing Pads, Nursing Shawl, & Boobease 100% Organic Nipple Balm

I had no idea I was going to need these items the first week I brought baby home and had my husband rushing to the store to by all the things to help me survive breastfeeding. Yes, survive! Because it is hard.

I had no idea I would leak so much and Bamboobies nursing pads saved me from many day time errands embarrassment moments. I would see a cute kid or hear another baby cry and all of a sudden I would be a leaky mess. Even when I stopped breastfeeding. So make sure to get a lot of these.

Bamboobies also has a nipple balm that is a must. After one week of nursing my nipples were cracked and bleeding which made breastfeeding unbearable. The nipple balm helps heal and protect your nipples and it is completely organic and safe for baby.

I didn't have a problem breastfeeding in public, but I would be aware of some family members level of comfort and chose to cover up for them. Bamboobies has an adorable shawl that is open and lightweight for the times that you might want to cover while you nurse.

You can find yours HERE

FREEBIES: 1 pair bamboobies Washable Nursing Pads - light pink, ultra-thin heart-shaped pads - S&H $2.99 US, $4.99 CAN. Limit one pair per customer - orders with more than one pair WILL NOT SHIP. Orders with FREEBIES ONLY may take 4-6 weeks to ship due to volume.

20% OFF SALE with code BABY20 entered at checkout.

For the Baby

1. Baby Banana Infant and Toddler Toothbrush and Smoother Soothies Fruit Teethers

We loved the banana infant toddler with our first baby. The first month or so baby will just sleep but after that the baby really starts to explore the world...usually with their mouth. This is a great toy that you won't feel nervous if baby inserts in mouth. This is also good substitution for a paci. I also love that I could throw it in the freezer when my baby was teething get it nice and cold and let him suck on it.

The Fruit Teethers are a new product from the small family owned business, and they are so adorable. We cannot wait to try those for our newest baby. He's four months old and showing signs of teething already so we will be using these within the month!

You can find yours HERE

2. Apple Park Hooded Owl Towel & Patterned Owl Rattle

The only toy you need those first few months is the Apple Park rattle. My baby only plays/eats with his rattle. Which is fine that he stuffs it in his mouth because it is made from 100% organic materials. We also love the adorable Apple Park hooded towel. You might not think it is necessary for baby to have his or her own towel, but no one but me will tell you that all of your hair will fall out from postpartum, by the fistfuls and you will not want your cute baby to share one of your towels with loose long strands of hair all on it. So buy a few cute towels for baby and use yours to grab all the hair that you'll most likely lose.

You can find yours HERE

3. Baby B'gosh

After having my first son I quickly realized that you can have too many baby clothes. So with our second I have purchased about 10 high quality outfits for each stage. We love baby B'gosh! It is not only affordable but the boys clothes are so adorable and look like something daddy would wear. Their clothes are so versatile and can be dressed up or down for church or the park which we love!

You can find yours HERE

20% off purchase of $40+ (in store code: 038223 or online code OKBG3550) Valid through September 30, 2018 Exclusions Apply

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