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Savor the Moment.

Bourbon Mint Sweet Tea

As everyone else is ushering in fall with pumpkin spice lattes and suede skirts I am holding on to the last 21 days of summer. Now don't get me wrong I love fall and all things fall, how can you not? But I don't want to wish away these last few weeks of summer. I want to savor every moment of it. And the best way I know how to do that is to sip sweet tea on my front porch until it's too cold to do otherwise.

Here's one of my favorite sweet tea recipes.

Bourbon and Mint Sweet Tea


3 tea bags (Lipton)

1/2 c sugar

8 cups of water

1 cup of bourbon

fresh mint


Boil 8 cups of water with tea bags.

After water comes to a boil let bags steep in the water for a few minutes.

Add 1/2 c of sugar to a heat-safe pitcher.

Add hot tea and stir to dissolve the sugar.

Pick the leaves off of a few sprigs of mint and muddle them.

Add the mint to the tea

Finish with 1 cup of bourbon (I like a sweet bourbon and Trader Joe's has a great sweet bourbon from the Buffalo Trace distillary.)

Garnish with fresh mint and enjoy the last days of summer!

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